I eat you now.


Blog award, yay!

I got a blog award from Katja. Thank you baby!

These are the tasks:

1. Link the person who gave you the award and post the award photo.
2. Pass it on to 5 other bloggers, who have less than a hundred followers.
3. Answer the 5 following questions.

1. Why did you start bloggin?
Actually, I started blogging because I was going trough a very tough time, and I'd thought of blogspot for a very long time. So I decided to write all my thought down, and from that day, I really enjoyed writing about all and nothing.

2. What kind of blogs do you follow?
Uhm.. For now I only follow people I know in real life.

3. Favorite color(s)?
Green, black, red, blue.

4. Favorite movie(s)?
Oh, I honestly have no clue at all.

5. Which countries do you dream of visiting and why?
USA - Honestly, to go to LA and meet Shane Dawson.
Australia - To go on a road trip over the country.
Tokyo - Just because.... It's Tokyo.

The people, whom I believe deserve a Blog Award:
Becky's Kaleidoscope
I learned to fly !

I don't follow that many blogs....