I eat you now.



1. Are looks important in a relationship?
- Not really..
2. Are relationships ever worth it?
- Not always
3. Are you a virgin?
- I haven't been with a boy, but I've been with a girl.
4. Are you in a relationship?
- Nope
5. Are you in love?
- Nope
6. Are you single this year?
- Yes
7. Can you commit to one person?
- Yes
8. Describe your crush
- Imaginary
9. Describe your perfect mate
- I can't..
10. Do you believe in love at first sight?
- No
11. Do you ever want to get married?
- Some day, way in the future!
12. Do you forgive betrayal?
- That depends on what she has done...
13. Do you get jealous easily?
- I wouldn't say so
14. Do you have a crush on anyone?
- No
15. Do you have any piercings?
- Yes, I have two
16. Do you have any tattoos?
- No, but I want some when I turn 18
17. Do you like kissing in public?
- No, I love it!
20. Do you shower every day?
- No, every second day
21. Do you think someone has feelings for you?
- Nah, not that I know of!
22. Do you think someone is thinking about you right now?
- Maybe?
23. Do you think you can last in a relationship for 6 months and not cheat?
- I've never tried it, but I really think I can. I have no respect for cheating what so ever...
24. Do you think you’ll be married in 5 years?
- No.
25. Do you want to be in a relationship this year?
- Yes.
26. Has anyone told you they don’t want to ever lose you?
- Yes.
27. Has someone ever written a song or poem for you?
- No.
28. Have you ever been cheated on?
- Kind of, but it wasn't serious.
29. Have you ever cheated on someone?
- No.
30. Have you ever considered plastic surgery? If so, what would you change about your body?
- No.
31. Have you ever cried over a guy/girl?
- Many times.
32. Have you ever experienced unrequited love?
- Yes.
33. Have you ever had sex with a man?
- No.
34. Have you ever had sex with a woman?
- Yes.
35. Have you ever kissed someone older than you?
- Yes
36. Have you ever liked one of your best friends?
- No.
37. Have you ever liked someone who your friends hated?
- Yes.
38. Have you ever liked someone you didn’t expect to?
- Yes.
39. Have you ever wanted someone you couldn’t have?
- Yes.
40. Have you ever written a song or poem for someone?
- No.
41. Have you had sex so far this year?
- Yes.
42. How long can you just kiss until your hands start to wander?
- Not long.
43. How long was your longest relationship?
- Official: 2 months, unofficial: 3-4 months..
44. How many boyfriends/girlfriends have you had?
- Boyfriends: 2, Girlfriends: 2
45. How many people did you kiss in 2011?
- 4, I think.
46. How many times did you have sex last year?
- None
47. How old are you?
- Turning 18 in 18 days.
48. If the person you like says they like someone else, what would you say?
- I think I would just cheer them on about it and try and lock my feelings inside my head.
49. If you have a boyfriend/girlfriend, what is your favorite thing about him/her?
- Her imaginary eyes.
50. If your first true love knocked on your door with apology and presents, would you accept?
- I don't care about presents, and if she really showed up at my doorstep... I would probably say that I had forgiven her a long time ago, but it didn't change anything. That I'm not mad at her, I just don't want her in my life.
51. Is there a boy/girl who you would do absolutely everything for?
- My best friend who is like a sister to me.
52. Is there anyone you’ve given up on? Why?
- Yes. I tried for so long to be friends with her again, but I couldn't handle it.
53. Is there someone mad because you’re dating/talking to the person you are?
- I'm not dating.
54. Is there someone you will never forget?
- A few people.
55. Share a relationship story.
- Naah..
56. State 8 facts about your body
- I'm a 70E in EU bra size. I have green eyes. I am 174 cm tall. I use a size 40-41 in shoes. My hips is 91 cm i circumference. My waistline is 71 cm. I have a boyish hairstyle.
57. Things you want to say to an ex
- Shut the fuck up.
58. What are five ways to win your heart?
- Honesty, safety, love, charm, humor
59. What do you look like? (Post a picture!)
- In the bottom.
60. What is the biggest age difference between you and any of your partners?
- 4 years
61. What is the first thing you notice in someone?
- They're appearance.
62. What is the sexiest thing someone could ever do for/to you?
- Bite me in the neck.
63. What is your definition of “having sex”?
- That's very individual.
64. What is your definition of cheating?
- The seconds there is feelings involved, even if she didn't do anything.
65. What is your favourite foreplay routine?
- French kissing and touching each other.
66. What is your favourite roleplay?
- Haven't tried any.
67. What is your idea of the perfect date?
- Uhm.. I haven't really been on any serious dates..
68. What is your sexual orientation?
- Homosexual
69. What turns you off?
- Dicks.
70. What turns you on?
- Biting(not hard) and if she pulls me back when I'm trying to get away in a joke.
71. What was your kinkiest wet dream?
- I haven't had any.
72. What words do you like to hear during sex?
- Is it good?
73. What’s something sweet you’d like someone to do for you?
- Spontaneously take me out en a date.
74. What’s the most superficial characteristic you look for?
- I'm not superficial at all.
75. What’s the sweetest thing anyone’s ever done for you?
- Don't really know.
76. What’s the sweetest thing you’ve ever done for someone?
- Uhm... I'm not sure.
77. What’s your opinion on age differences in relationships?
- I'm not good with girls that are a lot older than me, but as long as we are in the same stage in life, I don't really care.
78. What’s your dirtiest secret?
- I don't think I have one.
79. When was the last time you felt jealous? Why?
- Can't remember
80. When was the last time you told someone you loved them?
- To my "sister" yesterday.
81. Who are five people you find attractive?
- Cameron Diaz, Pink, Angelina Jolie, Anne Hathaway, Selena Gomez
82. Who is the last person you hugged?
- My friend, when we said goodbye.
83. Who was your first kiss with?
- My first boyfriend, when I was 13
84. Why did your last relationship fail?
- Fights all the time, that she started.
85. Would you ever date someone off of the Internet?
- Yeah?



Jeg sys jeg har haft alt for mange negative indlæg herinde her på det sidste, så jeg ville lige indskyde nogle glade ord! :D Jeg sidder lige nu i Bo's fine lejlighed helt oppe tæt på Norge! xD Også kaldet Frederikshavn. Det er sgu længe siden jeg sidst har været her! Siger det bare; oktober! Ö Men i hvert fald, har jeg sgu savnet Frederikshavns charme! Der er nu et eller andet over den by..

Jeg er single og jeg nyder det. Tager én dag ad gangen, og nyder hver dag! :D Har ikke travlt med noget.

Og jeg flytter nok her den 1. Juli! Så det bliver fandme skønt!


My dream..

I think… That my ultimate dream, would be to get enough money to explore the world. Not the big fancy malls and cultural places. The underworld. I want to feel the culture. The Africans, the hippies, the streets of Las Vegas, New York, most of all; Detroit.

I want to photograph hardly everything.
- A child birth. 
- The streets at night. 
- Children playing around in the ghettos. 
- A sunrise in Australia. 
- Wild animals. 
- Phenomenal nature.

I want to see it all. Make fantastic photographs. And when I come back, I want my own gallery with all the of the best photographs I made.


Hahaha jeg burde spise noget, men jeg magter ikke rigtig gå hele vejen ned i den anden ende af huset for at lave noget mad jeg gider spise -.-

Completely free, to do whatever the fuck I want to!

I have feelings for no one, and I have no commitments, I can do whatever I want to. Write whatever I want… Man, it feels great!


Overvejede virkelig at linke til min tumblr... Til dem der gerne vil vide hvad jeg tænker om alting... Men så læste jeg den igennem, og blev enig med mig selv om at det nok ikke var så smart.... Too much detailed shit...


Fucking lorte internet

Jeg magter ikke det her net! Det er så fucking langsomt og hakker konstant! -.- Jeg har en virkelig kort lunte for tiden, så det gør mig bare pisse irriteret!